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Archive for July, 2010

http://host:port/forms/frmserlvlet not loading

Posted by Jay on July 30, 2010

>http://host:port/forms/frmserlvlet does not load after installing formsbuilder11g even after enabling ActiveX controls in Internet explorer. For this, download and install the latest JRE and install it for the URL to work.

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Posted by Jay on July 17, 2010


1. Permission denied when running the forms executables
Cause: Non-oracle user does not have access to the ORACLE_HOME/bin/frm* executables
Solution: Allow access and execution of ORACLE_HOME/bin/frm*chmod +rx $ORACLE_HOMEchmod +rx $ORACLE_HOME/binchmod +rx $ORACLE_HOME/bin/frm*
2. Solaris: frmcmp_batch: fatal: ORACLE_HOME/lib/ Permission deniedSUSE/Linux: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Cause: Non-oracle user does not have access to the libraries required by the compiler.
Solution: Allow read/execute access to ORACLE_HOME/libchmod -R +rx ORACLE_HOME/lib
3. Message file ORACLE_HOME/forms/mesg/fmcus.msb not found.
Cause: Forms is trying to display a message (error) but does not have access to the messages file.
Solution: Allow access to Forms messages files:chmod +rx ORACLE_HOME/formschmod -R +rx ORACLE_HOME/forms/mesg
4. FRM-91500: Unable to start/complete the build.
Cause: This error is generic but it may suggest that non-oracle user does not have access to the needed terminal file (.res) or that the environment is not correctly set.
Solution:a) Allow access to the terminal files:chmod -R +rx ORACLE_HOME/forms/admin
b) Edit and addTERM=vt220export TERM
For additional troubleshooting of this specific error please check Note 756384.1 and Note 266731.1
5. FRM-91108: Internal Error: unable to initialize PL/SQL.
Cause: User does not have access to the timezone files
Solution: Allow access to “ORACLE_HOME/oracore/zoneinfo/timezlrg.dat”chmod +rx ORACLE_HOME/oracorechmod -R +rx ORACLE_HOME/oracore/zoneinfo
6. Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-12154
Cause: Forms is trying to display a message (non-forms error) but does not have access to the messages file.
Solution: Allow access to the RDBMS messages fileschmod +rx ORACLE_HOME/rdbmschmod -R +rx ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/mesg
7. ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
Cause: Forms executables cannot read the required “.ora” files required for making a successful DB connection.
Solution: Allow access to the “$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/” folderchmod +rx ORACLE_HOME/network/chmod -R +rx ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/*
8. FRM-10043: Cannot open file. orFRM-10044: Cannot create file.
Cause: Incorrect access to the FMB specified
Solution: Check if all the folders contained in the “module” parameter are having “rx” right for other users.Also, check if the “non-oracle” user has “rwx” access to the FMB
9. FRM-30087: Unable to create form file $ORACLE_HOME/forms/test.fmx
Cause: Non-oracle user cannot write in the “output” directory or the mentioned fmx exists but user cannot overwrite it.
Solution: By default the FMX is being created in the same directory with the FMB.Give write permission in that folder and check if FMXs with the same name are already there and if the non-oracle user can overwrite them.Also, make use of the “output_file=” parameter within the compile command to specify a location (with correct access) where the FMX should be created.

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